Thursday, September 26, 2013

We're Home!

I'm only doing a real quick update to let everyone know Hudson, Cliff and I have all made it home! We're all doing great! Pretty sleep deprived but that's as to be expected. :)
Thank you all for your keeping us in your prayers these last few days. We are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends in our lives. God has truly blessed us with the most incredible gift. More to come in the upcoming days. Just thought I would update those without Instagram :)

Right before I started to push

Our first family photo :)

These two boys have my entire heart

Headed home this afternoon!
I'll update with my birth story, etc in a few days. Right now, our dog child is on her way home from her Uncle Chads house. Wish us all luck with that introduction!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Baby Taylor Update...

Well, it looks like Hudson is going to be just as stubborn as his mama..and dad for that matter! I'm headed into my 40th week of pregnancy and he's showing no signs of joining us on his own. 
At 36 weeks we had an ultrasound to make sure he was head down, which he is, and to get an approximate weight (6 lbs 15 oz with an error rate of 15 oz) At that point I was dilated at a 1cm not effaced at all. The next week was the same. At 38 weeks I was between a 2-3 and 75% effaced. I go to the dr every Wednesday and at that appointment she told me, and I quote 'I'd be shocked if you didn't have him by the weekend'. Don't say this to a lady who's been pregnant for 38 weeks unless your positive!  The Thursday after that 38 week appointment I was 99.9% sure I was in labor. I was up all night with contractions and awful back pain which went on into Thursday night and then came to a stop. Since signs of labor. 
I went back to the dr this past Wednesday and was still at the same 2-3cm and 75%. I may or may not have told her I wanted to kick her when she told me that....
Because of his size and the fact that over 2 weeks I haven't progressed anymore she wants to induce this week on the 26th. So, as of now I'm scheduled to go in Thursday am to be induced. I'm not thrilled about this at all and am still praying he comes on his own in between now and then but whatever happens I'm just beyond ready to finally have my baby in my arms. 
I haven't taken many pictures lately and hate when people take mirror shots but I did hurry and take one last week fully expecting to 'have him by the weekend'. 

Now since we have one more weekend with no Hudson Cliff and I are spending it cleaning, organizing and trying to soak up our last weekend as a family of 2 (or 3 with Missi)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

36 weeks (really late)

36 Weeks

How far? 36 weeks as of 8/27 so...I'm a little late. I'm more like 37 weeks right now

Size of baby: According to our ultrasound he's 6 lbs 15 oz. BUT the error rate is 15 oz so he could possibly be 5 lbs or 7 lbs. Either way this isn't going to be a tiny baby!

Sleep: I actually sleep pretty well. I still have to get up once or twice but other than that I always go right to sleep at night and wake up around 530. 

Strech Marks: no.  I did have a dream this past week that I woke up with them ALL over me. I guess I woke up in real life and proceeded to rub a mixture of oil and lotion all over me because the next morning it was all over my shirt and bathroom counter. Luckily that was all just a dream and I was just extra moisturized that night. 

Best moment of the week: Getting to see him on the ultrasound. Although we were both slightly disappointed with how little we were able to see (due to such tight quarters) it was still so sweet to see his little face.

Movement: All the time. But, his movements have definitely changed from kicks to a slow rolling feeling. If I'm sitting or laying down I can watch him move in my belly. 

Gender: Boy :)

Belly Button In or Out? In and it seems to be staying that way

Wedding rings off or on? Still on thank goodness. However I am swelling much more in my fingers on these recent 90 degree 100% humidity days.

Cravings: Nothing. I'm starting to think that's a pregnancy myth.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. Certain smells will get me every now and then but it's always so random.

What I miss: A lot. I miss being able to get out of bed without getting a rolling start. I miss bending down with ease. Being able to help do household chores. My tolerance for heat. Oh wait..I've never had that. I miss my overall comfort. But, I'll take it all of it any day to carry this sweet little boy in my belly.

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting him. I'm so ready to have him and to finally meet this tiny human I've been hosting in my belly for the last 8 1/2 months. I can't wait to see what/who he looks like (my guess is going to be his dad!) I can't wait to finally be able to hold him.

Labor Signs: Lots of cramping and random contractions. Nothing too intense but I guess just my body starting to get ready. 

Nursery: Finally existent and getting things done! It's definitely not going to be finished by the time he gets here but it should be quite close. Cliff is building bookshelves for it this weekend and after some organizing and decorating it'll be done!

Emotions: Good! I get tired easier these days which will lead to grumpy Kathryn but luckily Cliff knows this happens and tries to urge me to nap frequently to avoid it :) 

Last week my friend Felicia came over to paint our bedroom for me and afterward she and my other friend Jennie did a little  maternity shoot for me. If I was going to agree to any kind of maternity pictures the only thing I wanted was just simple, natural photos. I'm so happy with the turnout! As much as I don't love seeing my giant belly/hips/arms etc I think these memories of him in my belly are ones I'll cherish forever.