Saturday, August 31, 2013

One Giant Post

Whoa. Where do I even begin?? I think we've finally gotten to where we can say we're 'settled' in our new home. We  Cliff has worked every day/night to get things put in a place. We closed on our house on Thursday 8/15 and had to be out of our apartment that same night. Thank God for Cliff and our family because by the time I got to the apartment from work everything was out of the apartment and in the house.
We had a Uhaul that next Saturday morning and with the help of all of our parents, siblings and friends we were able to finally get all of our stuff from the four places that it was all scattered around greater Nashville. By the time they had all left most everything was already put away for us! I actually did much better with the moving process than I had thought I would. It didn't really hit me how tired I was until this week so I've been trying to recoup! 

Oscar joined our moving day madness but was not happy about his mom leaving him or the fact that he wasn't big enough to see her out the window 

After everyone had left on Saturday I desperately needed a nap, and apparently Missi did too. She's becoming more and more attached to me and my ever growing belly with each day. 

There are so many things about this house that I love but one is the bathtub. Our last house was a house Cliff shared with 2 other guys when I met him and I had seen that tub at an all time low and couldn't seem to get that picture from my head no matter how many times I bleached. So, this is my first real bath tub in several years. Needless to say I've been enjoying a bath almost every night! However, Missi thinks it's her own personal water fountain. 

My co-worker threw me a sweet baby shower at work for Hudson 2 weeks ago. I was able to stock up on some diapers/wipes and some more cute little outfits. 
Please disregard my hair that desperately needs to be cut/redone

Tuesday marked exactly 4 weeks until my due date. Cliff and I went to the doctor for my 36 week appointment/ultrasound on Wednesday. Everything with Hudson and I are great! He's in he 85th percentile for weight already weighing in at approximately 6.5 lbs. Now, the tech and my doctor assured me that is an estimate and that those machines really don't get an accurate read. But, either way he's a big boy! His head is down and I'm dilated to 1 cm. I wish we had gotten some better ultrasound pictures but the poor guy is so cramped in there already he had to have a foot in his face. Quite the limber little man! We were also able to see quite a bit of hair on the ultrasound, not that I'm at all surprised about that!
Here's his profile picture. He was sucking his mouth like crazy so he was hard to capture! I'm starting to get very anxious to meet him. It's crazy how much you can love and know every single thing about someone but never have met them before. 

We finally got his baby furniture that we had ordered back in April delivered and set up in his room. The room is far from finished but at least we've made a dent in it. Although his room is on the other side of the house I plan on him being in his bed after a short time. I know, not everyone will agree with me on that one! 
Thank goodness for great friends. My friend Felicia came over the Monday after we moved in and painted his room, and then came back to paint a wall in our bedroom. She and my other friend Jennie also took some maternity pictures that I'm pretty excited to see! Below are a few pictures of the room from a few days ago. More has happened since but I'll wait until it's finished to take more pictures. 

I put the below picture on Instagram but it continues to make me laugh. Missi is having a really hard time resisting any stuffed animals that are for her brother. I decided to go ahead and put them out the way I wanted them and she will just have to learn the hard way. In this picture she looks like she's happy but she's actually whining. She must have been really mad because shortly after this when she went out to go potty at the end of the night she took off from both Cliff and I with no thoughts of coming back inside. After several spankings she's finally left them alone...for now. 

That little wagon his Aunt Erica and Uncle Carson made for him, isn't it adorable?

That's about all I can fit in one post for now! I'll try to get better about updating but for obvious reasons things are slightly crazy in our house right now, and soon to get even crazier!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Home Sweet Home

After 6 long months we've finally moved into our house! I've had lots of requests for pictures so I'm just doing a quick post to update you all. We don't actually get cable/Internet until Thursday. Which is actually probably a blessing since we..strike that..Cliff has been working on getting things put away since Thursday. So, a full blogpost on our adventures in moving to be continued. In the meantime here are some pictures of the house via my phone for now. Disclaimer: most of these were taken Sunday/Monday so don't judge the complete lack of organization right now!

A lot of people have asked how Missi has done with the move..I'd say happy doesn't even describe it! On Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night (one of my 79 trips to the bathroom) and she was upside down stretched out in the middle of our bedroom floor. She doesn't know what to do with all of this space! However she hasn't made the greatest first impression on our neighbors..more to come on that later 😁

Sunday, August 11, 2013


On Saturday afternoon I had another baby shower for Hudson, this time given my sister with help from my friends. We played a few baby games, ate some good BBQ from Edley's, and I got to see some old friends and some family. Even with it being 90% humidity it was a beautiful day and once again I realized how many people this little man already has loving him. What a lucky guy! 

I have some very talented friends/family. Jennie made Hudson that chevron elephant!

I had the sweetest little helper bringing me gifts. 

But Oscar soon became much more interesting :) 

We played a game where everyone had to guess with string the size of my belly. I'm not sure what it means that everyone guessed the size being way bigger than I am! 

My Aunt Angela and cousin Lindsay and her 2 kids drove all the way from both Indiana and Memphis to come celebrate with us at the shower. I was so excited to have them both there. Thank you to you both for making the trip, I know it had to be a long day! 

The first picture of all of us together in forever! My sweet friends from high school that were some of the very firsts to know about Hudson growing in my belly and will be some awesome 'aunts' to him  

Gram and Aunt Erica :)

Although we look nothing alike she is my sister and the very best one. Thank you for such a fun shower E! 

Really though, this little guy was the entertainment for the afternoon. :) 

Be prepared for lots of upcoming blog posts because we FINALLY move in to our new house on Thursday!!! Well...technically Saturday but we will be staying in the house on Thursday so that counts! We went this past Thursday to do our walk-thru and everything is pretty much finished there's just a few odds and ends that needed fixing. Needless to say Cliff and I are both on cloud 9 this week knowing it's finally here! 

Sunday, August 4, 2013


I've had a lot of people ask me if the puppy in my Instagram pictures is mine. No! Although I would love for him to be there's no way I could talk Cliff into another one right now. Maybe one day soon though :) Elizabeth and Robert (my sister and her boyfriend) got a Great Pyrenees puppy last weekend that they named Oscar. Cliff and I got to see him last weekend but we took Missi to meet him yesterday. He's going to get rather large, probably much bigger than Missi so I wanted to see them together before he grows up too fast! He was way more in to in than Missi was. Puppies always love Missi and tend to use her as a big chew toy but she really doesn't seem to mind at all. Here are some pictures from their first meeting. 

Oscar was really into Missi. She was a little more interested in new smells and sounds to pay him a lot of attention but she did notice him a few times and got pretty excited. I'm sure the more he grows the more they'll love each other! 

 It made me a little sad looking back at pictures when we got home. I still see Missi as an Oscar sized puppy but I realized my girl is looking older these days. So to feel better I just look at pictures of when she was a baby puppy :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

32 Weeks

So this was supposed to be an every 2 week thing..oops. I'll try to keep it going but things around our household are starting to get a little crazy!
How far? 32 weeks as of 7/31

Size of baby: Head of lettuce (19in 4 lbs) again, this is just an iphone app estimate. According to my doctor she won't know truly how big he is until he arrives

Sleep: Still different from night to night. I've recently been having awful SI joint pain that's been keeping me up at night. I'm hoping with some therapy and ice it'll stop hurting so bad. Luckily we have a STAR physical therapy at work and they were kind enough to use a TENS unit on my back and give me some exercises yesterday that helped a ton.
I've also been waking up almost every night around 3 or 4 wide awake with the urge to want to start packing our apartment up. This could just be out of excitement to finally get out of here.

Strech Marks: No. Maybe if I type that small enough it'll be like I'm not actually saying it therefore not jinxing myself.

Best moment of the week: I had my first baby shower this past week and I had such a good time. It's making it feel that much closer to him arriving! Also, getting to have both of my grandmothers at the shower was very special for me. 

Movement: Still a whole lot of movement! I can tell he's getting bigger and bigger and my doctor told me this week that he seems he's rather long. Gee, I wonder why that could be! I'm pretty sure I was 23 inches when I was born.  He usually is pretty calm during the day but once I get home in the evenings he's very active. I've also noticed that when I get up in the mornings and take Missi out or when I get home after work and am talking to her he really responds. Could be because I talk to her in a really loud high pitched voice...I'm sure my neighbors love me. And, he may just be hoping to shut me up with a jab to the ribs!

Gender: Boy :)

Belly Button In or Out? In and it seems to be staying that way...for now.

Wedding rings off or on? Still on thank goodness. However, in the last 2 weeks I have noticed when I'm outside for too long my hands are starting to swell. Bleh. I have a thing about my wedding rings and really don't want to have to take them off. I wonder if Genesis will let me just borrow a bigger sized ring if I end up having to take them off? :) 

Cravings: Nope, none. And if you want to know how to get rid of a craving just eat/drink too much of it, that will do it. I had been obsessed with lemonade until I drank about 64 oz of it at once and felt like I was going to puke. Now, I'm sticking to water and an occasional raspberry sweet tea from Sonic. 
I do still crave grilled big green egg food but the good news is that in just 2 weeks I can have it!! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really. Although I have noticed a touch of nausea here and there that is quite similar from my first trimester. And, I did come face to face with some quinoa this week and turned a little green. 

What I miss: Still pretty much all of the same stuff. This week was pretty rough with this sudden SI joint pain that arose and for a few days I let that really get me down but I know no matter how uncomfortable I am in just 8 (hopefully sooner) short weeks it will all be more than worth it. 

What I'm looking forward to: I have a shower next weekend given by my sister that I'm really excited for! Also, in just a week and a half we'll finally be living in our new house!!! I am SO excited and can't wait to get things in there and all set up. Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be as much of a help as I'd hoped to be but fortunately for us all of our family is close and are willing to help us!
I've also recently gotten so anxious to finally meet him. It's crazy how you can know someone better than anyone else and love them so much but never have met them before. I just can't wait for him to finally be here. 

Labor Signs: I've had braxton hicks now handful of times. The first time it happened was last Friday at work. I was sure I was in labor and was in the process of trying to rally a co-worker to walk to across to the hospital when it went away. It never did happen again that day but it has happened randomly since. 

Nursery: Still non existent.

Emotions: Pretty good. No crazy melt downs or rages this month :) At our house the outdoor living space was still left to be completed and as I was seeing other houses around us go up I realized any of the ones that had a fireplace like ours were being built with the frame. So, i've been panicking about this over the last month or so because our outdoor living space had yet to be touched even with the rest of the house almost done. Our builder assured us of timelines on it that never seemed to be met. So, when we went to see the house last Friday I told Cliff, if the outdoor living space is not done or at least worked on I was going to loose it. Luckily for everyone involved the fireplace was built and you could actually walk out on to it. I think Cliff was a little nervous though since we were meeting my grandparents there and I'm sure he didn't want a Kathryn sized melt down to happen in front of them :)